Growth Vidya

Web Development Fundamentals

Web Development Fundamentals with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Bootstrap

The primary objective of this course is to provide a comprehensive foundation in web development for beginners. It aims to equip students with the essential skills and knowledge needed to build functional, responsive, and visually appealing websites. The course focuses on:

Course Objective

Upon completion of the course, students are expected to achieve the following outcomes:

  • Proficiency in HTML and CSS

    Students will be able to construct well-structured web pages using HTML and style them effectively with CSS.

  • Competence in JavaScript

    Students will gain skills in JavaScript programming to add interactivity and dynamic content to web pages.

  • Responsive Design

    Mastery of Responsive Web Design: Students will be adept at using Bootstrap to create responsive and mobile-first web designs.

  • Integrated Web Development Skills

    Students will be capable of integrating HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Bootstrap to develop complete web solutions.

  • Project Completion

    Students will have completed a comprehensive final project that demonstrates their ability to apply their learning in a real-world context.

  • Portfolio Development

    Students will have developed a personal portfolio showcasing their projects and skills, essential for job applications and interviews.

  • Job Market Preparedness

    Students will be equipped with interview skills, resume writing abilities, and a clear understanding of the web development job market.

Course Highlights

  • Understanding the Core Technologies of Web Development

    Introduce students to HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Bootstrap, which are the building blocks for web development.

  • Practical Application

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  • Responsive Design

    Teach students how to create websites that adapt seamlessly to different screen sizes and devices using Bootstrap.

  • Interactivity and Dynamic Content

    Enable students to implement interactive features using JavaScript and understand the fundamentals of client-side scripting.

  • Career Readiness

    Prepare students for entry-level web development roles with additional focus on interview skills and portfolio development.

Duration: 5 hours

Introduction to Web Development

  • Overview of Web Development
  • Understanding the role of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Setting up the development environment

Duration: 20 hours

HTML – The Structure of Web Pages

  • Basics of HTML
  • Elements, Tags, and Attributes
  • Structuring a Web Page
  • Forms and Tables
  • HTML5 Features and Best Practices
Duration: 20 hours

CSS – Styling Web Pages 

  • Introduction to CSS
  • Selectors, Properties, and Values
  • Box Model and Layout
  • Responsive Design with CSS Grid and Flexbox
  • Advanced CSS Features
Duration: 25 hours

JavaScript – Adding Interactivity 

  • JavaScript Basics: Variables, Data Types, and Operators
  • Control Structures: If-Else, Switch, Loops
  • Functions and Events
  • DOM Manipulation and Event Handling
  • Introduction to AJAX and JSON
Duration: 15 hours

 Responsive Web Design

  • Introduction to Bootstrap Framework
  • Utilizing Bootstrap Components
  • Grid System and Responsive Utilities
  • Customizing Bootstrap
Duration: 10 hours

Integrating HTML, CSS, and JavaScript 

  • Building a Complete Web Page
  • Best Practices in Web Development
  • Debugging and Testing Web Pages

Duration: 15 hours

Final Project 

  • Planning and Designing a Web Application
  • Implementing Front-end with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Integrating Bootstrap for Responsive Design
  • Project Presentation and Review
Duration: 10 hours

 Career Preparation and Interview Skills 

  • Preparing a Web Development Portfolio
  • Resume Writing and Personal Branding
  • Interview Techniques and Mock Interviews
  • Understanding the Web Development Job Market

Why learn with Growth Vidya

Expert Guidance

Hands-on Learning

Industry Relevance

Comprehensive Curriculum

Career Advancement

Duration and Schedule

Total Hours

100 hours

Daily Hours

2 hours/day (5 days a week)

Course Duration

Approximately 2.5 months

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