Growth Vidya

Modern Web and Mobile Development

Mastering WordPress with Growth Vidya

Embark on a journey into the realm of WordPress, the preferred choice for building dynamic websites. From creating captivating themes to ensuring optimal website performance, our program preps you for real-world challenges.

Course Highlights

  • Cross-Platform Development

    Teaching the use of Flutterflow for creating applications that work on both web and mobile platforms.

  • Firebase Integration

    Understanding Firebase for backend services like database, authentication, and hosting.

  • Foundational Web Technologies

    Solidifying the basics of HTML and CSS for front-end development.

  • Hands-On Learning Approach

    Emphasizing practical skills through project-based learning.

  • Career Readiness

    Preparing students for roles in modern application development, including portfolio building.

Expected Outcomes

Upon completion, students will be able to:

  • Develop Web and Mobile Applications

    Use Flutterflow for cross-platform application development.

  • Understand Backend Services

    Implement Firebase services for real-time data handling and user authentication.

  • Apply HTML and CSS Skills

    Enhance applications with custom HTML/CSS styling.

  • Create Complete Applications

    Integrate front-end and backend technologies for full application development.

  • Complete a Capstone Project

    Showcase their ability to build and deploy a real-world application.

  • Develop a Professional Portfolio

    Include projects demonstrating their skills in modern application development.

  • Prepare for the Job Market

    Acquire the necessary skills and knowledge for careers in application development.

Duration: 5 hours

Introduction to Web Development

  • Overview of Web Development
  • Understanding the role of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Setting up the development environment

Duration: 20 hours

HTML – The Structure of Web Pages

  • Basics of HTML
  • Elements, Tags, and Attributes
  • Structuring a Web Page
  • Forms and Tables
  • HTML5 Features and Best Practices
Duration: 20 hours

CSS – Styling Web Pages 

  • Introduction to CSS
  • Selectors, Properties, and Values
  • Box Model and Layout
  • Responsive Design with CSS Grid and Flexbox
  • Advanced CSS Features
Duration: 5 hours

Introduction to Modern Application Development 

    • Overview of Cross-Platform Development
    • Setting Up the Development Environment


Duration: 30 hours

Flutterflow – Cross -Platform Development 

  • Introduction to Flutterflow
  • Building UIs for Web and Mobile
  • Utilizing Flutterflow Widgets and Features
Duration: 10 hours

 Integrating Technologies

  • Combining HTML, CSS with Flutterflow Applications
  • Implementing Backend Services with Firebase

Duration: 15 hours

Final Project 

  • Planning and Developing a Cross-Platform Application
  • Implementing Advanced Features and Custom Design
  • Project Presentation and Review
Duration: 10 hours

Career Preparation and Portfolio Development 

  • Building a Portfolio with Cross-Platform Projects
  • Resume Writing and Interview Skills
  • Navigating the Modern Development Job Market

Duration and Schedule

Total Hours

160 hours

Daily Hours

2 hours/day (5 days a week)

Course Duration

Approximately 4 to 5 months

Why learn with Growth Vidya

Expert Guidance

Hands-on Learning

Industry Relevance

Comprehensive Curriculum

Career Advancement

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